Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Math Test TOMORROW!!!

After playing the Koosh Ball Game again today, it is still apparent that students REALLY NEED TO STUY!!! You need to know those vocab words like the back of your hand. Also, if you are having trouble writing the rules for questions #14 & #18, you need to let me know BEFORE I hand the test out tomorrow.

To help you study, here are some answers for the study guide:

#11. For Stocker's to be the best buy you would have to buy between 1-8 bags of M+M's.

#12. For Cheaper Buys to be the best deal, you would have to buy 9-10 bags of M+M's.

#13. To get full credit on this question, you will have to decide on ONE representation (narrative, graph, or table) that helps you the most and be able to effectively back that reason up. Some good reasons narratives are helpful is because they give LOTS of information. Narratives may be more difficult because there is a lot to read and it is time-consuming. Tables are good because they give exact data but may not be as good because you can't "see the picture" of what is going on with the data. Graphs are good because you can see that picture, but may be more difficult because you are making estimates of where the points on located on the graph. Using these reasons will help you to get full credit on the test...please know why the representation is good for YOU and be able to defend your answer!

#14. P = $5.50 * H
P is the price; and H is the number of hours worked
(your variables may be different but you must have the same concept)

#15. *Be sure your table lists the independent variable FIRST, your graph has the independent variable on the x-axis (bottom axis) and that you have a title on the graph and table to earn full points. Also remember to always label your graph.

#16. Number of ice cream bars being bought

#17. The cost

#18. C = $2 * N
C is the cost; and N is the number of ice cream bars being bought
(your variables may be different but you must have the same concept)


Students need to be sure to come to class prepared (every day) with their graph paper, pencil, book, and binder (and any homework or papers that need to be turned in). If students continue to arrive unprepared, a phone call will be made home and students will be issued a detention.

Today's homework:
Challenge: Crossword puzzle, p. 12 #1-2, and p. 14 #8-12

Regular: **Test, Wednesday, October 3rd**
-Study Guides were handed out last Thursday-

Also: remember to...
~Redo any assignments necessary (you have one week to redo work in math)
~KEEP STUDYING THOSE MATH FACTS...you could have another timed test any day now :-) :-) :-)

Question of the Day: Berlin, prewar capital of Germany, lies within the borders of East Germany. The city is divided into East Berlin, with an area of 156 square miles and a population of 1,146,000; and West Berlin, with an area of 184 square miles and a population of 1,890,300. Which part of the city has more people per square mile and by how much?

Good luck my savvy students!!! Remember, the first student to answer the Question of the Day correctly will get a small prize from me the next day! :-)


Anonymous said...

hi miss kohr its me Melanie and im sick!:( I dont have my study guide with me and i wondering if we our going to have to write them out or if they with be matching on the test?This will help bye!

~KOHR~ said...

Hey Melanie, I hope you feel better soon! Was that you that answered today about the KM in a Marathon??? Just wondering! Also, the vocab will be multiple choice. The vocab quiz or vocab worksheet is the best to study from I think. Good luck and feel better soon! :-) We missed you today! :-)

Anonymous said...

hi ms.kohr
this is abby from second hour
on the homework is it
pg.14 8 through 12
or is it just 8 and 12?

~KOHR~ said...

#8 through #12

Anonymous said...

ok thx i will see you tommorrow

Anonymous said...

its me melanie and thank you so much!by the way it was me who answered the marothon Q.Well bye!