Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 2: Lewes to Chincoteague Island (Lesson 1.4)

Today we find our five students: Sidney, Liz, Celia, Malcolm, and Theo making a trip from Lewes, Delaware, to Ocean City Maryland. Celia's data is collected and displayed in the graph on p. 12 of your text. When looking at the data, please remember the "mile markers" idea. This will help you to understand how in the world these students could actually decrease in distance while in their travels. Who remembers how/why this happened during their trip???

As a side note, (and strictly for fun-purposes) today we also learned about the Assateague (A suh teeg) Island pony auction. As promised, more information can be found on this real-life event by clicking above (on the link). As well, you can look up more information on GPS systems by visiting and typing in the web code: ane-9031. When at the site, click on Variables & Patterns to see the viewing options. Anyone that brings in interesting information to add about math (in reference to these topics) will be rewarded with extra credit for the class. Good luck and be sure the information is both interesting and in reference to math! :-)


Students need to be sure to come to class prepared (every day) with their graph paper, pencil, book, and binder (and any homework or papers that need to be turned in). If students continue to arrive unprepared, a phone call will be made home and students will be issued a detention.

Today's homework:
Challenge Class Only: p. 13 A-F

Also: remember to...
~Redo any assignments necessary (you have one week to redo work in math)
~KEEP STUDYING THOSE MATH could have another timed test any day now :-) :-) :-)

Question of the Day: Elvis Presley made 90 more "singles" than "albums" that were major hits. The total number of singles and albums is 250. How many singles hits did Presley make?

Good luck my savvy students!!! Remember, the first student to answer the Question of the Day correctly will get a small prize from me the next day! :-)


amanda s said...

ummm... is the answer 340... i found that out because 250 plus 90 is 340.
amanda 4rth hour

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Kohr, It's Nicole from 3rd hour, I think that the answer to the Elvis Presley question is 18 single hits. Well, see you tomarrow! :) :) :)

~KOHR~ said...

Hi girls! Good tries but make sure to read the question carefully know what it is asking. Amanda, you are close in your thinking...KEEP TRYING EVERYONE!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

hey its me jenna from 8th hour 160 is todays bcuz 250-90=160

p.s. did we have home work :-]

carrie said...

this is caarie from 4th hour is the answer 340?

Anonymous said...

hey ms.kohr the answer to the question of the day is 170. i got this by using albrda.

~KOHR~ said...

Megan, can you explain your thinking???

Anonymous said...

my thinking is that albums x. singles=x.

albums=x =80
singles=x +90=170

-90 -90
x=80 how about that

~KOHR~ said...

Jenna, be sure to read the blog post each always lists any homework! You can also check, our board in class, and homework hotline. Also, please be sure to make your profile/blog private to protect yourself online. Do you have your mother's permission for your blog? :-) Just making sure! Oh yeah, and good try on the question of the day! Keep trying though. Be sure to re-think your answer. The way you did the work, you would have 160 singles and only 70 albums (as 160-90 = 70). Does 160 + 70 = 250??? Keep tryin'! :-)

~KOHR~ said...

Show me tomorrow Megan...I'm not sure I am following your explanation entirely...and it may just be the symbols. I am positive that you are on the right track...and of course yes, you did get it correct! :-) YOU my dear are SOOOOOOOOO SMART!!! :-)