Friday, September 28, 2007

Koosh Ball Game on Monday!

Challenge students took their test today (those of you that were in class). Those of you not in class today will need to make the test up on Monday. Regular math students need to come to class with their study guides COMPLETE on Monday as their Golden Ticket to playing our Koosh Ball Review Game on Monday (TRUST ME...THIS IS FUN AND YOU WANT TO HAVE YOUR STUDY GUIDE FINISHED!!!)!

~Have a nice weekend everyone!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

P.S. For those of you that actually read the blog posts, here is an extra question of the day: How far is a marathon in miles and also in kilometers?


Don't forget on Monday, October 1st, all Red Robin locations will donate 50 cents from each burger ordered during lunch or dinner to Zachary Solomon (to help raise money for his $830,000 transplant surgery). Come and bring some friends for YUMMY food and a WONDERFUL cause! Let's help save Zach!!!

Students need to be sure to come to class prepared (every day) with their graph paper, pencil, book, and binder (and any homework or papers that need to be turned in). If students continue to arrive unprepared, a phone call will be made home and students will be issued a detention.

Today's homework:
Challenge: None
*Test was today :-)

**Test, Wednesday, October 3rd**
-Study Guides were handed out Thursday and need to be finished by Monday-

Also: remember to...
~Redo any assignments necessary (you have one week to redo work in math)
~KEEP STUDYING THOSE MATH could have another timed test any day now :-) :-) :-)

Question of the Day: The first Olympic marathon in 1896 was won by Greece in 2 hours, 58 minutes, 50 seconds. In 1984 Portugal won the marathon with a time of 2 hours, 9 minutes, 55 seconds. How much time did Portugal cut off the 1896 record?

Good luck my savvy students!!! Remember, the first student to answer the Question of the Day correctly will get a small prize from me the next day! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Kohr! It's Nicole from 3rd hour. I haven't been at school since Thursday because I sprained my ankle bad and I can't walk, and I might get crutches. Anyways, the answer to todays question is 49 minutes and 35 seconds.

2 hrs 58 min. 50 sec = 178.5 min
2 hrs 9 min. 55 sec = 129.55 min

Then I subtracted 178.50 by 129.55 and got 48 minutes and 95 seconds. Then I subtracted 95 by 60 because there are 60 seconds in a minute and got 35 seconds. So the total answer is 49 minutes and 35 seconds.

Hopefully I'll see you monday!

~KOHR~ said...

Nope...not quite Nicole but VERY good try! Keep thinking...

Sorry you hurt your ankle, I fell on mine earlier this year and broke it in two places...crutches are NOT fun! But, you'll make it through, I just know it!!! :-) Hope you feel better soon! :-)

Anonymous said...

What part did I do wrong? My mom tried the question and came up with the same answer.

~KOHR~ said...

Nicole, here is a hint for you:

55 minutes as a decimal is not (.55), and 50 minutes as a decimal is also not (.5). A decimal of (.5) would mean half of a minute which is 30 seconds.

I hope this hint helps! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the help! I still came out with the same answer?

Then I did 95 - 60 and got 49.35

~KOHR~ said... really are workin' hard on this :-) Try thinking of the seconds as fractions of a minute (for example: 15 seconds is 15/60 of a minute; which when you reduce or divide you get the decimal .25, so 15 seconds is .25 of a minute). Maybe that will help a little more.

~KOHR~ said... that means when you have 178.30 and the 129.35; you have the 178 and 129 correct but the .3 and .35 are not correct and that is why you are not getting the correct answer when you are subtracting the times.

amanda s said...

hey mrs kohr!

Anonymous said...

hi miss hohr it's me Melanie form 4th hour.I do read the blog and the answer to the extra Q is about 43 km or to be exact its 42.194988.Well I'm not sure if thats right but i treid.C ya!

~KOHR~ said...

You are correct Melanie! It is about 42 KM (round down since the tenths spot is a 1). See me for an extra treat! :-) Also, how did you find your answer? :-)

Anonymous said...

i got my answer by taking however many miles is in a marothon then multiplying that by how ever many killometers is in a mile and got the answer.BYE!!!