Thursday, September 13, 2007


In all math classes we talked about setting objectives and knowing the reason/purpose behind the activities we do each day in class. For instance, the day we did Jumping Jacks was not about health and fitness but really about collecting data and displaying our results in both a table and graph. The objective for today and tomorrow's classes is for students to use tables, graphs, and descriptions to compare information and make decisions.

As an opener, we discussed where we see data collected and displayed in our lives (for example: advertisements like "Nine out of ten dentists prefer Trident over other brands."). As an opportunity for extra credit, I have asked students to look for more examples and bring them in to class tomorrow. This could be a commercial, magazine, newspaper, etc...and doesn't have to be all advertisements. We talked about how Consumer Reports collects and displays data and their purpose for doing so.

Challenge math began working on Lesson 2.1: Renting Bicycles today. In this lesson, they must compare two bicycle businesses to determine which one has the best offers. As Kerry pointed out, this is essential for new businesses to do (compare to others) in order to create a successful start to their new business.


From Friday, September 14-Wednesday, September 18 we will be raising money for Everett Gotway's Memorial. We were deeply saddened by the loss of one of our Hollenbeck family members and would like to purchase a bench and plaque in his honor. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

Students need to be sure to come to class prepared (every day) with their graph paper, pencil, book, and binder (and any homework or papers that need to be turned in). If students continue to arrive unprepared, a phone call will be made home and students will be issued a detention.

Today's homework:
Challenge: p. 31 letters A-E

Also: remember to...
~Redo any assignments necessary (you have one week to redo work in math)
~KEEP STUDYING THOSE MATH could have another timed test any day now :-) :-) :-)

Question of the Day: In horseshow pitching, the two stakes are 40 feet apart. The horseshoe court itself is 46 feet long. Each stake is the same distance from the end of the court. How far is each stake from the end of the court?
Good luck my savvy students!!! Remember, the first student to answer the Question of the Day correctly will get a small prize from me the next day! :-)


Anonymous said...

each stake is 3 ft from the end of the court

robbie said...

there there each 3 feet from the sides

Brittany Hackmann 2 Hour said...

The answer is 3 feet from the end of the court.

Brittany Hackmann
P. 2

Anonymous said...

the ancer is 3 feet i took 46 the langht of the box and subtracted 40 the langht between the posts witch =6 and if the langth bhind the post is the same then the ancer is 3 well c u later

~KOHR~ said...

Wow..I really have some SAVVY students, eh?!? You ALL got it correct...YIPPIE!!! :-) Abby, you got it first, so see me for a treat tomorrow chica! ROCK for showing your thinking, you too can see me for a special treat! Nice job you all! :-)

Brittany, way to go on making your blog private! I am super duper proud of you SMART GIRL! You are being so safe that way! I'm SOOOOOOOO proud of you! :-)

Anonymous said...

hey miss kohr i forgot my treat today can i get it monday

Anonymous said...

wat about me???????????????????

~KOHR~ said...

Hi Jon! What about you kiddo!?! Did you want to answer the question? :-) No worries, there is a new one every day! :-) Nice to see you on here!

Abby, of course you can my dear...of course! :-)